Other articles

  1. Long time no see

    After almost 7 years of no posts I decided to give this blog an update. In the meantime I've changed jobs a couple of times (which deserves its own rant on the alleged "skilled worker shortage"), and switched back and forth between tech stacks and business domains. It's really incredible …

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  2. Requesting external resources from Vagrant boxes

    At my current work setup we use Vagrant to make the setup of our development environments as seamless as possible. The goal was to just enter 'vagrant up' and automate the rest of the development setup for Ruby on Rails applications whilst letting us use our familiar text edtiors on …

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  3. Fun with Rails and RabbitMQ Part V: Sneakers.io

    Let's recap what we've covered so far: We know that there are different types of exchanges, and they dispatch messages to queues based on set rules. Messages and queues can be configured to be durable, and we can control whether they should be deleted from the queue. Also, messages can …

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  4. Fun with Rails and RabbitMQ Part I: Introduction


    Working on a Rails application that moves several mission-critical functionalities into background-worker-jobs (like lengthy cron jobs or generating PDFs), one basic approach would be to use one of the many simple background queue libraries that are available, and the first address nowadays would be Sidekiq. However, as this blog …

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  5. Kurztipp: .vimrc, .gvimrc und Tabnummern

    Einer meiner Lieblingsshortcuts unter (g/m)vim ist es, mit gt und gT zwischen Tabs zu springen. Ich arbeite mit extrem vielen offenen Tabs, und mit n gt kann auch direkt auf einen der offenen Tabs gesprungen werden. (Ich tue das sogar mit Chrome und Vimium, das ist aber eine …

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  6. Short Tip: TinyMCE errors and Sugar.js

    Just in case you are using TinyMCE in your Rails project and something like this has ever happened to you:


    including both TinyMCE and Sugar.js is the culprit. Somehow Sugar.js's methods which are defined on native JavaScript objects interfere with TinyMCE (which is about 100k LOC, according to …

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